Renée McRae and her album


I am a Success Coach . . .

I help people understand that they can live the life of their dreams; not figuratively – literally … and then I show them how. In my practice I assist people in understanding how to live life deliberately; basically: how to get what you want.

How would You like to Live YOUR Purpose?

Many people say, “But I don’t know my purpose? I’m so confused!

Well, let’s cut out the confusion. Let’s start with this: Your purpose is tied into living your passion … How ’bout that? (wink) Make sense?

You might ask  –

But I don’t know my passion . . . Can it really be that simple?

Yes! It really is THAT simple; and I can help you begin to live your purpose-driven life.

If you really want to know … I can help you. You’ll say … “OMG, Renée, it was right there all along!”

I know where you are because I’ve been there. I’ve lived in confusion. I’ve lived in denial. I’ve lived in frustration. I’ve wondered “Is this all there is?” I settled for less when more was right there. I looked for answers when they were right there inside of me.

I couldn’t figure out what my passion was – even when I was already doing it! Even after I had identified my passion, I didn’t consciously aggressively pursue it. I wouldn’t allow myself to step into my own greatness.

Thank God, for the persistent messages in the poetry. They answered every question; every ‘Why?’ every ‘When?’ every ‘Where?’ even every ‘What’.

Now I’m living my passion – Not only am I working with students to understand themselves and identify their life’s purpose and direction; I am helping women to recognize their latent dreams and find the courage to dust them off and go for them!  And I can help YOU, too!

I Can Help You Step into Your Greatness . . . Identify and Overcome Your Obstacles . . . and Live the Life You were Born to Live

Founder of Poetic Motivations, LLC, a personal development training company, Renée delivers programs that focus on self exploration and navigating to SUCCESS! Whether you are looking for purpose, passion, a successful relationship or financial abundance, you will leave her presentations excited and armed with the necessary tools and ability to turn your dreams into reality.

Author of ‘Truth in Rhyme,” approved learning materials for NYC DOE; co-author of ‘Stepping Stones to Success” alongside Deepak Chopra and “Mastering the Art of Success” alongside Les Brown and Jack Canfield and others, Renée is dedicated to the field of personal transformation. With over twenty years of workshop facilitation and coaching, Renée is still excited about every presentation and looks forward to the “Ah-ha Moments” her participants and clients will inevitably experience.

Renée is a Certified Professional Coach and additionally holds certifications in Conflict Resolution, Domestic Violence Prevention, Infinite Possibilities and Effective Teacher Training.

Her clients include Performing Artists, Parent Leaders, Universities, Shelters, Schools, Women, Juvenile Detention Centers, Mental Health Facilities and Substance Abuse Programs.